Structural Mechanics-I-Syllabus.pdfStructural Mechanics-I-Syllabus.pdf

General Objective:

 This course is designed for students to study the classification, idealization and modelling of structures. Introduction to structural analysis. Force method of structural analysis, Displacement methods, Slope deflection Analysis of statically determinate structures, including beams, frames, trusses, cables and arches. Analysis of fixed and continuous beams. Work and energy principles and their application in deformation analysis of structures. Influence lines and moving loads.


Learning Outcomes:  

 Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

a)       To construct influence line diagram for different types of beams and use the same to find maximum values of internal forces in the structures.

b)      Determine normal thrust shear force and bending moment in two and three hinge arches subjected to different loading condition.

c)      Analyze for the forces and deflections in indeterminate trusses for degree of indeterminacy up to two.

d)     Solve for slope and deflection at a point in a structure using methods such as moment area method, conjugate beam method, strain energy, Castigliano’s first and second theorem. etc.

e)      Compute internal forces in fix and continuous beam and draw shear force and bending moment diagram for the same.